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Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana Laws You Shouldn’t Forget

Marijuana Laws You Shouldn't Forget

Marijuana, which is known as scientifically as Cannabis, is a naturally-occurring, illegal substance in the United States in America. Although there do exist circumstances, largely in the medical field, in which marijuana is considered to be a controlled substance prescribed to the ill and ailing, Marijuana laws prohibit the recreational usage of Marijuana.
Marijuana Laws
Medical Marijuana laws explain that in the case of certain illnesses, dependent on the state, the prescription of medicinal Marijuana is permitted if regulated, monitored, and approved by an accredited physician.
The possession of Marijuana is the discovery by any law enforcement agency of the presence of Marijuana on a person or an individual; depending on the state in which the infraction occurs, this can result in fines, community service, probation, or jail time. However, the possession of large quantities of Marijuana is considered an ‘intent to distribute’, which holds a larger penalty than a Marijuana possession charge.
The charge of Marijuana possession or intent to distribute ranges from the frequency of the offense, as well as the location of the offense; the possession of Marijuana in a school zone carries with it heavy penalties that vary from state-to-state.

The Facts on the Legalization Of Marijuana

The Facts on the Legalization Of Marijuana

Marijuana Legalization Background

In the United States, the drug known as marijuana has been considered to be an illegal substance since 1970. However, there have been attempts to legalize the drug due to its medical use and relative mild effects when compared to other substances, even ones currently considered as legal. In the United States, marijuana has not been legalized at the federal level, though fourteen states have passed legislation decriminalizing its use under certain restrictions. 

Legalizing Marijuana

Legalizing marijuana in the United States has been an issue politics for past several years. Legislation has been passed at the state level that have allowed its medical use, and in some states, even certain recreational use is allowed. However, at the federal level, legalizing marijuana has proven to be a more difficult issue.

Should Marijuana Be Legal
The debate in legalizing marijuana is one is addressed at both the political and social planes. Arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana have proven to be both strong and weak for both parties, and thus, have not concretely settled the issue. However, in the United States, marijuana has been decriminalized in certain states for medical use, which can be said to be a victory for those supporting its legalization. 

Shouldn’t Marijuana Be Legalized?

Shouldn't Marijuana Be Legalized?

Marijuana is considered to be a controlled substance in just about every country in the world, thus making it illegal for use, possession, purchase, and transfer in most jurisdictions. However, the legalization of marijuana has been quite the heated debate for the better part of the past two decades. In recent years, there have been some countries that have decriminalized its use under certain circumstances and is strictly regulated. 
Furthermore, the subject of marijuana legalization has been an issue due to the fact that it has been proven to have some medicinal applications. The legalization of marijuana for medical use has been allowed in countries such as the Netherlands, Canada, and within certain states in the United States. 
The legalization of marijuana has been an issue in the United States in recent decades, though the drug itself has been considered as a controlled substance in 1970 and categorized in Schedule I, which is the one containing the most dangerous drugs in terms of abuse potential. This classification also states that medical use is not found for any substance in the category, yet in recent years, marijuana has been used for medical purposes. 
There are several states that have allowed marijuana legalization for medical purposes, totaling at fourteen in number. Some of these states include California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, and Vermont. However, the complete legalization of marijuana has yet to be achieved in the United States and still a legal issue that is being debated on the political and social platforms. 

The Issue of Legalizing Marijuana

The Issue of Legalizing Marijuana

In the United States, legalizing marijuana has been a majorly debated issue, both on the political and social levels. Marijuana has been a considered an illicit drug since the passage of the Controlled Substances Act in 1970, though attempts to legalize marijuana have essentially started since it was considered an illegal drug. 
However, attempts to legalize marijuana in the United States have at least made some forward progress. There currently fourteen states that have decriminalize the use of the drug for use. Even though each state will have various restrictions in regards to how and for what purpose it is used, it can be said that legalizing marijuana may truly be a possibility in the near future.
The process for legalizing marijuana in the United States has taken various path, though it can be argued that the states have made the initial progress in the procedure. Generally speaking, the states have passed their own legislation regarding the use, possession, and transfer of marijuana. However, there have also been certain steps made at the federal level as well. 
Ultimately, even though states may have decriminalized marijuana, the federal government will ultimately h ave the final say in the overall process in legalizing marijuana nationwide. In 2008, the first steps to legalize marijuana at the federal level was introduced with the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008. The bill would again be introduced in 2009.